(360) 832-1731
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Terms and Conditions
Class Time and Tests
Students must be 15 years old by the first day of classroom instruction. Students cannot have more than three (3) absences for the entire course and ALL must be made up. If more than three absences occur, you automatically fail the course and will need to re-enroll into another class and pay a processing fee of $75.00. The student must pass the final test (which is NOT the official Department of Licensing’s knowledge test) with a score of 80% or higher. You may retake the test as many times as needed to pass the test. Parents, please drop off and pick up your student on time.
General Behind the Wheel Drives
Each drive is not part of regular classroom hours, and they MUST be scheduled outside of class time. It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to properly schedule the drives. You can call or visit the front office to schedule drives. (Online scheduling will be available soon.) If a student fails to arrive at a scheduled drive without 48 hours’ prior notice of cancellation OR does not bring a valid driver’s permit, a $50.00 fee will be charged and must be paid before the next scheduled drive. Additionally, if you have a corrective lenses restriction on your permit you MUST have them with you to drive or you will be charged a $50.00 fee and will need to reschedule the drive. Punctuality is required for drives, if you arrive more than five (5) minutes late you will be charged a $50.00 fee to be paid before the next scheduled drive and must reschedule the drive. Only closed-toed shoes are allowed on drives. Parents, please pick up your student on time as the office may not be open on scheduled drives and the instructor will have other students waiting and cannot wait for you to arrive. Washington State Law mandates that all drives are completed in a timely manner to compliment classroom instruction. All drives must be completed within 12 months after the start date of class. Extra drives needed to complete requirements will be at a rate of $60.00 per hour.
Behind the Wheel Instruction and Practice
Take the Wheel Driving School will commence drives with a maximum of three students in the instructional vehicle, although at times there may be only one. In these instances, by signing our enrollment form you are giving Take the Wheel Driving School permission to conduct behind the wheel training in a one-on-one setting when necessary. The Department of Licensing mandates students acquire at least 50 hours (10 hours specifically for nighttime) of driving experience with a qualified person (a person who has been licensed for five years or more) before obtaining their license. A student’s success is heavily dependent on parent involvement.
Per Washington State Law, it is illegal to have cell phones in use during driver’s education which includes classroom and behind the wheel instruction. An exception will only be made if the cell phone is needed in cases of emergency. Students will be dismissed from class or potentially the entire course for the following (but not limited to): Misbehavior or disruption in class or on a drive, excessive tardiness (students who arrive more than ten minutes late WILL NOT be allowed in class and WILL BE marked as absent, cheating (sharing or receiving answers), suspicion of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, or repeated and willful violation of traffic laws. If a student is dismissed from a class, it will be marked as an absence. If the student is dismissed from the entire course, there WILL BE NO REFUND of the class enrollment fee or any pre-purchased add-ons.
Course Completion
Classroom instruction and behind the wheel drives will be completed in no less than 30 days and no more than 12 months from the start date of the course. The course will be considered complete when all the following have been completed: All classroom lessons are completed (including any make-up days); the final in-class test (which is NOT the official Department of Licensing’s knowledge test) with a minimum score of 80% or higher; all nine drives are complete (including any make-up drives); and ALL fees have been paid. The student needs to have everything completed within 12 months of their start date. If the above-mentioned items are not completed by this date, the student must retake the entire course and pay a fee of $75.00 to complete the traffic education course. This rule follows the requirements set forth by the Department of Licensing. Once the student has successfully completed all requirements and ALL FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL, the Traffic Safety Education Certificate will be uploaded to the Department of Licensing’s website. The student will need to visit the front desk to sign their completion form prior to it being uploaded. Completion of our traffic safety course DOES NOT guarantee the student(s) will pass the Department of Licensing’s exam.
Organ Donor
Washington State requires our course to include information about the Organ Donor Program. This subject will be discussed on Day 15 of our course.
The course MUST be paid for in full before the first day of class. There will be a processing fee of $75.00 if the student drops out of the course prior to the second day of class. There will be no refunds after the second day of class.
Intermediate Driver License Requirements
If you are under the age of 18, you will be issued an Intermediate Driver License and MUST follow these laws:
Driving with Passengers, First Six Months: No passengers under the age of 20 years old, except for immediate family members
Driving with Passengers, Next Six Months: No more than three passengers under 20 years old who aren’t immediate family
Nighttime Driving, For the First 12 Months: No driving between 1am and 5am unless you are with a licensed driver 25 years or
NO CELL PHONES: You are not permitted to use any wireless device while driving, including hands-free settings. This
includes, but is not limited to, talking on cell phones or sending and/or receiving text messages. You are only permitted to use a wireless device to report an emergency.
First Violation: Passenger and nighttime restrictions will apply until you reach the age of 18. The Department of Licensing willsend you and your parent/guardian a warning letter.
Second Violation: Your license is suspended for six months (or until you reach the age of 18, whichever comes first). TheDepartment of Licensing will notify you and your parent/guardian before taking any suspension action.
Third Violation: Your license will be suspended until you reach the age of 18. The Department of Licensing will notify you andyour parent/guardian before taking any suspension action.
Take the Wheel Driving School is committed to hiring the best instructors who are devoted to providing your student with the tools and experience they need to be well rounded and safe drivers.
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Teen Driver Training
Ensure your teen's safety on the road with our comprehensive driver training courses, lessons, and testing. Enroll today for peace of mind!
Gain confidence and skills with our adult driver training courses. Whether new or improving, we're here to help you succeed!
I've dedicated decades of my life to safety, I went from a corrections officer, a tribal police officer, a driving safety consultant working with first responders/pro drivers all the way to beginner drivers.
The crashes I got called to as a Tribal Police Officer still haunt me to this day, Which is why I opened this school. Because I want everyone to get home safely.
My mission, is to give you or your children the tools needed to always: be aware, be alert, be calm, and be ready.
Adult Driver Training